

Why are we underestimated ?

Why are we not beautiful ?

Why are we abused ?

These questions are hard to think about. They taunt most girls head. But we have to face them. We are not going done without a fight.

We need to do something about it. Personally I can't start a campaign I wish I could. But Lily Singh ( Superwoman ) has. She and GirlLove have partnered up to sell girllove pins and bracelets. All the proceeds go to help girls go to school. If you can we need to support girls around the globe and right here in the U.S.

How ?

Anybody can buy a pin or donate money to an organization that supports girls. If you don't have money to do that all you have to do is pray. You can pray for girls or victims of abuse or anything really. God will hear.

What's Happening ?

All around the world girls are sexually assaulted, harassed, and not given the rights they deserve. I hope this motivated you to help. You can be the difference.         BYE !!!


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