About My Life
About My Life
I was born in Winston Salem, NC on July 3rd 2006. I have lived in the same 2 story log house in Boonville, NC my whole 11 years of life. I've gone to Boonville Elementary School since kindergarten. I'm in 6th grade and I'll go to Starmount Middle School and after middle school then to Starmout High School. I went to preschool at Epiphany in Winston Salem. I have one sister ,Caroline, and we both play softball. I've played softball, basketball, soccer, I've swam and I did gymnastics. I fill all my free time with sports, reading, creating YouTube videos and now creating blog posts. My friend circle includes Isabella, Isabell, Victoria and Mayte. I hope all of my friends will be life long. I've been to many exotic places including Hawaii, Iceland and California. I love traveling and have grown up traveling I hope I continue to do so. My mom is a Financial Planner and my dad is the Principal at West Wilkes High School. I have a fish named Nemo, 2 labradoodles named Leo and Molley, I have an assortment of chickens and I used to have a cat named Holly. Holly was my first cat she wasn't even 1 before she died she had to stay inside or the dogs would eat her. She brought love and joy to this family but I know she is happy in heaven. I go to Boonville United Methodist Church and I love it. We have made so many new friends since we started going there. I acloyte for the church often. Acolyting means I light the candles, do the offering and extinguish the candles. I love shopping and whenever I get the chance I go. I love cooking, baking, fashion, and makeup this is what I plan to fill my blog with. I hope you liked hearing about my life story. If I left something out I will make sure to give you the tea. Maybe you liked this enough to come back if so that is wonderful if not this was fun to make anyway. See you next time ! Bye !!!!!
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